Unofficial Clangen Save Converter

Converts Clangen saves from old Aug 10th format to the April release format. This converter does not currently support development releases and there are no plans to.


  1. Upload the file called [clan name]cats.csv to this page, where [clan name] is the name of your clan. For example, if your clan was named Down-clan, upload Downcats.csv. This file can be found in the saves folder of your old versioned Clan-gen installation.
  2. Press the "Download Converted Save" button on this page. Assuming that there are no issues with the conversion, you should get a new JSON file.
  3. Create a new folder in the saves folder of your newly versioned Clan-gen installation with the name of your clan. For example, if your clan was named Down-clan, you would make the folder Down inside your saves folder.
  4. Move the downloaded JSON file to the newly created folder from the previous step. Make sure the JSON is exactly named clan_cats.json
  5. Add your old [clan name]clan.txt file to the saves folder of your new versioned Clan-gen installation. This goes into the saves folder, not the one you just created.